Kerja, Kerja dan Kerja!
Assignments dan kerja yang aku perlu buat sekarang:
To my lovely adik Nana, sori yep sebab abang agak bizi sket.
Harap Nana faham ;)
- Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular system
- Types : Presentation with power point slides,
- Title : Pulmonary stenosis (penyempitan salur darah dari jantung ke peparu)
- Date of presentation : 3rd of September, Wednesday
- To Do : Be prepared with the pathogenesis of pulmonary stenosis
- Notes :
- Other presenter : Tasha and Hafifi
- Pathophysiology of Gastrointestinal system
- Types : Presentation with power point slides,
- Title : Cholielithiasis (batu karang dalam pundi hempedu),
- Date of presentation : 4th of September 2008, Thursday.
- To Do : Prepare the slides and do practice for the presentation
- Pathophysiology of Nervous System
- Types : Presentation with power point slides,
- Title : Not yet known,
- Date of presentation : Maybe on 6th of September,
- To Do : Ask Mohana about the title, prepare the slides
- Notes :
- Members : Hafifi, Hafzan, Ejoi, Lim Zi Fan, Fadlon, Najib, Aku..
- Pathophysiology of Respiratory
- Types : Presentation with power point slides, then submit the assignment on the topic,
- Title : Hemothorax (pendarahan di rongga antara peparu dan dinding dada),
- Date of presentation/submission : 8th/9th or 15th/16th of September 2008, (not yet confirmed),
- To Do : Prepare pathogenesis, clinical feutures and diagnosis of hemothorax,
- Notes :
- Group members : Zareen & Tasha
- Assignment must not be more than 5 pages (alhamdulillah...hehe)
- MSU Medical Science Club Launching Ceremony:
- Task : Finish the launching slaids, create a banner for the promotion.
- Date line : Before 9th of September 2008
Adui...banyaknye assignment, presentation dan kerja aku nak kena buat. Senarai kat atas ni belum lagi termasuk nak stadi benda baru belajar, nak revise benda2 yang dah lepas, tugas sebagai webmaster MSC, dan kerja2 yang aku skip kat sini.
To my lovely adik Nana, sori yep sebab abang agak bizi sket.
Harap Nana faham ;)